





My mail address and phone number are available further down the page.








My name´s Mats Strömberg, I´m Swedish, at present
living in the Swedish westcoast town of Halmstad,
but if necessary I can move elsewhere.

My whole life, since the age of 7, has been devoted
to my interest in aviation.

I have piloted light aircraft and flown remote controlled
model airplanes on numerous occasions. Moreover,
I was once an enthusiastic paraglider pilot.

If the weather is permitting, I am  bringing out my
models every single day enjoying my hobby.

My other interests include hamradio and I hold a
hamticket Extra Class with the callsign SM6LMH.

I do have a good liking for beeing outdoors in
natural surroundnings where my interest is focused
on birdspotting and photography.

I also delight in horseriding where mounting
and riding quarterbreeds or Icelandic horses
gives me pleasure – not to mention the fact
of beeing a warm admirer of the pugh dog.

However there are things, things I really  abhor:
Hypocritics pretending beeing of superior moral
standards and thick – skinned opportunists.

If there is any subject you want me to enlight,
just send me
an E-mail and I´ll do my utmost
fulfilling your requests !

All contributions, articles or photos,  are more than
welcome to my blog.

The content of my blog is protected by
copyright (C) laws.
These include articles, photographs and other
features etc.

Any use of my blog´s material, unproved by me
or other copyright owner, is forbidden and any
misuse will be swiftly followed by legal action in
a court of law.

                                                          Images published on my blog.

I do not own all the images here, unless otherwise
credited like ”hangflygning.se”.

Many of the images on the site are public domain
or used for educational reasons.

If you see an image belonging to you, let me know
and I´ll give proper credit.

If you object to a photo´s use, please e-mail me,
and it will be removed as soon as possible.


       Those were the days… when we just kept flying. Skövde,  Hasslum 1970.


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