På grund av haveri på min blogg i lördags fungerar inte allt som det ska än.
Men det kommer igång som vanligt. Jag har mycket bilder och video från storsegelträffen på Ålleberg. Vidare kommer det nostalgi från Inge Ahlin, så håll ut kära besökare !
Information for my foreign guests:
Due to a serverproblem my blog went down saturday. Now it´s up again but not to it´s full extent.
The weatherpresentation o live weather halmstad is still not working, but it will hopefully sooner than later.
So stay tuned, I´ll be back with a lot of pics and videos from the IGG meeting in Sweden last weekend.
My blogg is still not working 100%, but skilled people are trying to help me.
That is why my live weather halmstad does not work or update.
Further more, I can at present not upload any pics or articles.
In a short time my blogg will be restored and ain full swing……
3 svar på ”IGG”
På grund av haveri på min blogg i lördags fungerar inte allt som det ska än.
Men det kommer igång som vanligt. Jag har mycket bilder och video från storsegelträffen på Ålleberg. Vidare kommer det nostalgi från Inge Ahlin, så håll ut kära besökare !
Information for my foreign guests:
Due to a serverproblem my blog went down saturday. Now it´s up again but not to it´s full extent.
The weatherpresentation o live weather halmstad is still not working, but it will hopefully sooner than later.
So stay tuned, I´ll be back with a lot of pics and videos from the IGG meeting in Sweden last weekend.
My blogg is still not working 100%, but skilled people are trying to help me.
That is why my live weather halmstad does not work or update.
Further more, I can at present not upload any pics or articles.
In a short time my blogg will be restored and ain full swing……
So hold on, I´m comin´